lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014


Mission Statement

Vision Statement

St. Viator Parish School is developing the future today through Catholic Education.

campus pics

Mission Statement

St. Viator School provides a quality Catholic education where the gospel message of Jesus Christ is lived, learned and shared in a safe learning environment. The administrations, faculty, staff, students, parents, clergy, and parish community collaborate to develop the whole person spiritually, morally, academically and physically.

Parent Role in School Community

campus pics
Each parent, as a member of the St. Viator School community, has four roles to perform.
  • To model Christian behavior for their child in the home and in social situations.
  • To take an active role in their child's religious education  and formation at school and in the parish by attending Mass on Sunday.
  • To participate regularly in religious celebrations sponsored by the school and the parish.
  • To involve themselves in the religious education and the formation of their children at home by supporting the religious instruction imparted at school.
  • Helping their child with his or her homework.
  • Reviewing their child's assignments, projects, etc. on a regular basis and providing appropriate encouragement and assistance.
  • Monitoring their child's academics progress and when necessary, look for ways to help their child improve his or her performance.
  • Familiarizing themselves with the rules and regulations of the school.
  • Paying their tuition, fees and using SCRIP.
  • Supporting school-parish sponsored fund-raising events.
  • Participating annually in the parish stewardship program.
  • Supporting special school and classroom projects.
  • Participating in the activities sponsored by the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO).
  • Volunteering their time and expertise to assist the school staff as library assistants, room parents, and office workers.